WEVAS® 2.0 Online Certificate Course is a self-paced independent-study program to provide you with all the fundamental strategies and skills. Attend an in-person course to experience interactive activities and practice the skills with others in a safe setting. The WEVAS® 2.0 Online Certificate Course contains 7 modules (Introduction / Attentive / Attuned / Competent State, Anxious State, Agitated State Level 1, Agitated State Level 2, Aggressive State, Assaultive State, Aware / Open State). Each module contains audios, videos, presentations, readings, handouts, activities, and learning consolidation. ~12 hours. Complete module sections in the order presented as later skills build upon earlier skills. Participants must pass a learning consolidation quiz (open book, multiple-choice, score 80% or more) at the end of each module in order to obtain a certificate. You can retake each quiz. Please register for the course using the name you would like to have printed on your certificate. A free private group for course participants is available to access. Course Sign-up: click JOIN - become a Site Member using your email and create a password. Login - Programs - JOIN course; email to arrange offline payment or pay with credit card. Course will unlock when payment is received. Contact info@wevas.net to arrange Direct Deposit, e-Transfer, cheque. Refunds not issued; payment can be transferred to another participant if course has not been started. Please note that the content of the WEVAS® 2.0 Online Certificate Course is copyright and is made available to the person who registers for the course for the purpose of their education. WEVAS Incorporated maintains ownership of all the training and course materials. Each course participant may print a single set of handouts for their personal use. Any other use of the materials is prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing by WEVAS Incorporated. Materials are not to be distributed or shared in any way.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app