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Facilitator Login

New Facilitators login to register workshop participants for certification.

Please note:  to access training resources and videos

Level 1 login:  WEVAS® 2019 and WEVAS® 2.0 Certified Facilitators SIGN UP with email designated at certification.  Create your own password. LOG IN (see Menu Bar Top Right or above Log In / Sign Up link).

Level 2 login: WEVAS® 2.0 Certified Facilitators are given a password to access WEVAS® 2.0 materials after  approved for Facilitator Level 1 login.


Smiling man
yoga with CN Tower in Toronto

Facilitator Access: Directions Summary


Become a Site Member. First time: click Sign Up (link above). Use your own email and password.

During Facilitator training, the email you provided to WEVAS® and used to Sign Up is linked to Facilitator-only page access.  WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitators are given a Level 2 access password.



The password you use to Log In to Site Membership / Facilitator-Only pages is associated with the email you provided so you can change it on your own at any time. 

The password required to access the WEVAS® 2.0 Training Materials was provided by WEVAS® to certified WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitators. You will be given a new WEVAS® 2.0 password when it changes. If you cannot Log In to WEVAS® 2.0 using the password you were given by WEVAS® then please contact us.


teacher smiling

WEVAS® Facilitators of earlier editions:


Your materials are outdated.


You must re-certify in WEVAS® 2.0 to access and utilize current materials.  If you intend to offer a WEVAS® course/workshop without recertifying then you must clearly indicate the version of WEVAS® that you offer.


You do not have access to online resources, updates, and revisions until recertification.

WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitators


Log In.  Select WEVAS 2.0 from the drop down menu under Facilitator Training.  Enter the password you were given by WEVAS® in order to access updated versions of WEVAS® 2.0 training materials (or click this direct link). 


Ignore the WEVAS® 2019 Training Resources page as it has outdated materials.

The Training Videos may be accessed by WEVAS® 2019 and 2.0 Facilitators.  The videos provided are for Facilitator viewing only - not to be shown publicly during a training.

WEVAS® 2019 Facilitators:


Your materials are outdated.


Log In. Select the Training Resources page from the drop down menu under Facilitator Training to access the WEVAS® 2019 training materials. You must re-certify in WEVAS® 2.0 to access and utilize current materials. 


If you intend to offer a WEVAS® course/workshop without recertifying then you must clearly indicate that you offer WEVAS® 2019 and not the new, current WEVAS® 2.0 course. 


You must register participants that you certify and clearly state WEVAS® 2019 in the online registration and in certification provided to participants.

presenter with overhead projector


WEVAS® Course Identification

WEVAS® 2.0 contains new activities, updated PPPs, and readings.

Previously trained WEVAS® Facilitators must re-certify as a WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitator in order to access and use the new materials.

Only Certified WEVAS® 2.0 Facilitators can certify and register participants in WEVAS® 2.0. 

Clear Course Identification


WEVAS® Facilitators who offer training in 2024 and beyond must clearly state the version of the course offered in any communication and advertisement of the course, in the materials and certificates provided as follows:

WEVAS® 2.0 = 2023 to present (new content and activities by Michelle Bradley-Bahuaud)

WEVAS® 2019 = 2019-2023 (Updated by Michelle Bradley-Bahuaud)

WEVAS® 1.0 includes all previous editions:

WEVAS® Final edition = Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive States = 2007-2018. Revised by Dr. Neil Butchard &  Bob Spencler. (some Facilitators may have a select pages updated in 2008 or 2011)


WEVAS® Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive Students = 1993-2006. Created by Dr. Neil Butchard & Bob Spencler.

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