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Videos to Help


Is someone's out-of-control behaviour creating problems for you?

Are worry and anxiety causing you or others to shut-down?

Do you feel scared or threatened? Like you're walking on egg-shells with someone who can erupt into aggression and violent outbursts at any time?

Do you try to avoid situations and people that might trigger big feelings and cause upsets?

Are you frustrated that no one seems to be able to do anything to fix the problems and things just keep getting worse?

Do you feel Anxious? Afraid? Overwhelmed?  Confused about what to do about it?

Have you tried everything and nothing seems to work?

WEVAS® can help.​​​

WEVAS® helps you by offering practical, easy-to-do in the moment skills so you can respond effectively to whatever thoughts, emotions, and behaviours have appeared.  This allows you to help others as well as yourself to stay safe and get back to calm quickly and easily.


Michelle Bradley-Bahuaud offers practical WEVAS® 2.0 skills and solutions in a series of Free TikTok and YouTube videos.


WEVAS® 2.0 skills create peaceful, safe, and caring environments.

WEVAS® 2.0 skills prevent and deescalate anxiety, agitation, aggression and assault.

WEVAS® 2.0 communication skills and responses return you and others to optimal states of being - the Attentive Attuned, Aware Accessible States.

Become a Site Member to access all of our previous and current Members-Only Newsletters, Blogs, and Resources for FREE! ​

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Ready to learn more?

Join Michelle as she teaches the WEVAS 2.0 Online Certification Course.

​WEVAS® 2.0 Online Certification Course

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